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My Christmas message for you is for joy and peace and calm and ease.

My Christmas message for you is for joy and peace and calm and ease. Dear Clients It has been my absolute pleasure to work with you this year, or in previous times and thank you for the happiness you give me in sharing your stories and allowing me to journey with you through the ups […]

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Coaching in COVID: In line with guidelines, I am able to see a few clients face to face, complemented with Zoom and phone coaching sessions

Similarly to many of you, the nature of my work (and business) has massively changed in recent months and looks like it’s set to be the same ongoing and for the foreseeable future. In line with government guidelines and relevant safely and hygiene measures including track and trace, I am able to see (a very […]

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With Christmas fast approaching it's important to keep calm and stay in tune with ease and joy. Helpful to this is living life fully in the present moment rather than having our minds rush forward to the next job on the list to do, place to be, person to see or activity to undertake.

With Christmas fast approaching it’s important to keep calm and stay in tune with ease and joy. Helpful to this is living life fully in the present moment rather than having our minds rush forward to the next job on the list to do, place to be, person to see or activity to undertake.

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Will you be having a jolly Christmas?

Christmas comes each year with that ‘must have a good time’, being jolly and feeling great idealism attached to it. Is that how you’re feeling? If so, wonderful! It can indeed be a very magical time of year: celebrating the religious meaning of advent, being with those we love, giving and receiving, partying, relaxing eating, […]

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