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Go outside your comfort zone - that's where you find the magic

I love this little image about what’s possible beyond our comfort zone. Magic. Oh yes!

Where the magic happens
How much of our lives do we live doing what’s comfortable, what’s usual or our normal, with ease, without risk? All of it? 90%? 80%? 50%? What’s the figure for you? I’d say for me it sits around 65%. Is that enough?

I love new challenges and adventures, finding out what’s possible, meeting new people, visiting new places, exploring more of life and just having a go. Feeling brave. It takes courage! And confidence of course but that comes with experience and inner strength.

As Richard Branson said:

do something outwith your comfort zone

I like that!

I’m approached regularly through my business to be involved in new things, most recently a series of webinars, working with an inspirational theatre group, writing a bog, appearing as a Confidence Coach on a new and exciting TV programme due to be broadcast on ITV1 later this year and of course live contribution and chat on BBC Radio Scotland.

If my schedule allows and I’m intrigued or curious enough to I say yes! Why not?! And then the learnings and lessons come. I’m better at some things than others. We all are! We’re all capable of much more than we think we are. Magic. We’re capable of magic. And breaking that barrier.

So, back to you. How is your comfort zone feeling? Is it soft and cuddly, warm and fluffy, comfy and safe? Perhaps. Could it stretch? Could you accept, seek or explore more adventure, opportunities, fun or excitement? What might that give you? I dare to ask. And believe.

So, lots of questions!

If you were to do something outwith your comfort zone now, what would it be? Write it down. What would it give you? Could it be magical? Certainly we never quite know but that’s the anticipation. It’s likely however to give an increased confidence, satisfaction of doing that thing, pride, achievement and a sense of success. Joy or fun too.

So, what’s stopping you?

Fear? Go with it.
Apprehension? Expect that.
Self doubt? You’re capable
What’s others might say? It’s your life
Risk? Could it be worth it?

The benefits of positive emotions are likely to outweigh the negative.

So, I task you to take one small step or indeed giant leap over the barrier and let me know how it feels.

I’m off to revise Higher Biology.

Wishing you Magic too.

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